5G and Frequencies

5G and Frequencies

5G technology uses high-frequency electromagnetic radiation, ranging from 24-90 GHz. These frequencies are much higher than previous generations of wireless technology, such as 4G and 3G, which emit frequencies between 700 MHz and 6 GHz. While 5G technology offers faster and more efficient wireless communication, there are concerns that the high-frequency electromagnetic radiation emitted by 5G technology may have adverse health effects. Research has shown that exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic radiation may cause harm to the human body. Studies have suggested that long-term exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic radiation may lead to cancer, as well as neurological and reproductive problems. The radiation may also cause oxidative stress, which can lead to DNA damage and aging. Another concern is the building of 5G infrastructure in specific grids, where multiple 5G transmitters are located in close proximity to each other. These grids are consistently and constantly emitting energy, potentially leading to a cumulative effect on human health. Many researchers and scientists recommend remineralizing the body and optimizing the human vessel through techniques like conscious breath, fasting, scalar energy, and orgonite to help counteract the potential harmful effects of 5G radiation. Some studies have also suggested a correlation between areas with 5G technology and the spread of COVID-19. However, this correlation has not been proven, and more research is needed to determine if 5G technology has any effect on the transmission of viruses. It is important to continue to research the potential health effects of 5G technology and to take steps to protect ourselves from harmful radiation. This may include limiting our exposure to 5G technology and implementing practices that optimize our overall health and wellbeing.
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