How Can People Include Healing Crystals in Daily Routines?

Healing crystals are believed to have healing properties, coming in many shapes and sizes, from tiny tumbled stones to large, polished pieces. They are believed to be able to absorb and store energy and transmit and amplify it. As a result, people experience various effects.

Each type of crystal is said to possess unique properties and healing benefits. Therefore, it is essential to choose one that resonates with you. But how do people include healing crystals in their daily routines? Here are some ideas.

  1. Hold During Meditation

Meditation is a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery. Sitting still and focusing on our breath, we open ourselves to a world of possibilities and inner peace. One way to enhance the meditative experience is to incorporate crystals into your practice.

Holding crystals during meditation is a great way to bring in the healing energy of the stones. Crystals have been used for centuries to bring healing energy and promote balance and clarity. However, it is essential to be mindful of the type of crystal you are using.

  1. Create Crystal Grids

Creating crystal grids is a great way to bring in the healing energy of crystals. Crystal grids are a powerful tool to help focus and amplify the power of the stones. When creating a crystal grid, it is essential to use stones that correspond to the intention of the grid.

Creating a crystal grid can be a fun and creative way to bring in the healing energy of crystals. There are many ways to make a grid. Therefore, feel free to explore and see what works best for you, as every person will have a different experience than the next.

  1. Place Crystals on the Body

Placing crystals on the body is another great way to bring in the healing energy of crystals. It is a powerful way to allow the stones to interact with the energy centers on the body. Place the rocks on the body where the energy is blocked or stagnant.

Crystals on the body will help to clear out the negative energy and bring in the healing power of the crystals. When using crystals for healing, it is essential to choose stones that correspond to the intention of the recovery. Place the crystal on the body in the area that needs healing.

  1. Carry Crystals in the Bag

Carrying crystals in the bag is an easy and convenient way to bring crystals' healing energy wherever you go. Choose crystals corresponding to your intentions and place them in a small bag or pouch.

Carrying crystals in the bag will help bring in the healing energy of the crystals and help keep your intentions in focus. You can also use crystals in the bag to help clear out any negative energy you may encounter during the day.

  1. Add to Decor

Adding crystals to your home décor is a great way to bring the healing energy of crystals into your home. You can add crystals to your home décor in many ways. You can place them on shelves or tables, hang them from the ceiling, or create a crystal grid. Add them to your bedroom, office, or other home areas to help make calming and healing energy.


Crystals are a powerful tool for healing and can be used in many different ways to bring in positive energy and healing. From carrying them with you to using them in meditation to adding them to your home décor, crystals can help bring healing energy and promote positive vibes.

Zero Point Frequencies offers scalar energy devices, frequency medicine, and ethically-sourced crystals people can take into their healing journey. We aim to aid people in discovering their best selves, ensuring they continue the road to being better holistically. Learn more about our products by browsing our website today.

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