Scalar Energy, Frequency Medicine and the Power of Sound & Geometry

Scalar Energy, Frequency Medicine and the Power of Sound & Geometry

Have you ever heard of scalar energy and frequency medicine? Perhaps you have heard about how sound and geometry can affect the human body, but you may not know exactly how these concepts work. In this blog post, we will explore how scalar energy, frequency medicine, sound and geometric shapes can be used to amplify our existing quantum energy. What is Scalar Energy? Scalar energy is a form of zero-point energy which exists in all living things. This type of energy has been found to have strong healing properties that can be beneficial for physical health, mental clarity and emotional balance. It is believed that scalar energy is responsible for the overall well-being of an individual. How Does Water Affect Vibration? The human body is composed mostly of water molecules, so it stands to reason that vibration can have a significant impact on our bodies. When certain frequencies are introduced into water, they create vibrational patterns in the molecules which can alter the structure of the water itself. These vibrations are then absorbed by our cells and passed along to other parts of the body. This phenomenon explains why certain sounds or music can be used as a healing modality. The Power of Sound & Geometry The human DNA contains liquid crystalline gel which responds to frequency and sound waves, making it highly sensitive to vibrations from outside sources. By working with specific sounds and geometric shapes, we can amplify the existing scalar, zero point and quantum energy within our bodies. This helps us achieve greater physical health as well as emotional balance and clarity. Scalar energy and frequency medicine offer an exciting approach to improving physical health, mental clarity and emotional balance through sound and geometry. By introducing specific frequencies into our bodies via sound or geometry-based patterns, we can tap into our own natural healing power stored within us at a molecular level! If you’re looking for a holistic approach to wellness that combines science with spirituality, consider exploring scalar energy therapy today!
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