Scalar Energy & Sacred Sites Pt 2

Scalar Energy & Sacred Sites Pt 2

The mainstream education and history have obscured the use and implementation of geometry, frequency, and advanced technology in ancient cultures. One of the most well-known examples is the Pyramids of Giza. These structures were built with incredible mathematical alignments to naturally occurring events such as the equinoxes and solstices. The precision and accuracy of the Pyramid's alignment could not be duplicated by modern construction techniques. Another example is the massive stones found at the site of Baalbek. These stones weigh hundreds of tons and are way too big for us to manipulate and work with in modern times. It is unclear how our ancestors were able to move and place these stones so precisely. Through fear, manipulation, and control, these ancient techniques have been hidden from us. The mainstream education system does not teach us about these incredible achievements of our ancestors. This is because it challenges the established narrative of human history and challenges the authority of those in power. Celestial alignments have also been found in ancient structures such as the Serpent Mound in Ohio. This mound is a large earthen structure shaped like a snake and was created by the indigenous peoples of the area. The mound's alignment with celestial bodies suggests that it is much older than we are told. These ancient structures were built using advanced technology that we are only now beginning to understand. Through the use of sound and frequency, these structures were able to tap into the zero point and scalar energy of the Universe. This is evidenced by the acoustics of the Pyramids and other structures. In conclusion, the mainstream education and history have obscured the incredible achievements of our ancestors. By exploring these ancient structures and the technologies used to build them, we can gain a greater understanding of the world around us and tap into the power of sound and frequency.
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